Our Code of Conduct
It does not mean that you have to participate in formal patrols, other residents will invade your privacy, you need to keep an eye out for anything untoward whilst going about your normal day to day business or that you become part of unifying the neighborhood by ensuring safety for everyone living in the area. Read our Code of Conduct and learn what it means to be a part of the Neighborhood Watch.
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Want to be a part of the Sunset Beach Neighborhood Watch? The committee are not able to do this without your valuable support. Our objective is to reach as many residents as possible and to get everyone on board the Sunset Beach Neighborhood Watch. Completing this form will ensure that you are registered with the Sunset Beach Neighbourhood Watch, subject to being cleared by SAPS, as per the requirements of the Department of Community Safety (DoCS).
Should you at any stage wish to be removed from our database, please email sunsetbeachwatch@gmail.com. Your request will be honoured, and we will immediately action your resignation.
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