Our Code of Conduct

It does not mean that you have to participate in formal patrols, other residents will invade your privacy or that you need to keep an eye out for anything untoward whilst going about your normal day to day business. Read our Code of Conduct below and learn what it really means to be a part of the Neighborhood Watch.

What does being part of a Neighbourhood Watch mean?

  • It DOES NOT mean that you have to participate in formal patrols
  • It DOES NOT mean that other residents will invade your privacy
  • It DOES mean that you need to keep an eye out for anything untoward whilst going about your normal day to day business
  • It DOES means that you become part of unifying the neighbourhood by ensuring safety for everyone living in the area
  • It DOES mean that you are letting criminals – even those that may live among us – know that we are collectively keeping an eye out for them and will not tolerate their presence

There are strict laws that govern how the Neighbourhood Watch members may act when they are involved on any patrol. SAPS support our organization as long as we comply with the conditions imposed on all Neighbourhood Watches.

  • This Code of Conduct and the Constitution of SBNW shall be binding on all members of the SBNW.
  • Members of the SBNW must always act in a non-violent manner. No member may take the law into his/her own hands irrespective of circumstances.
  • All members who actively patrol or respond to emergencies (as a representative of the NW), must be in possession of a photographic ID – endorsed by the Brigadier of Milnerton SAPS.
  • No member of the SBNW shall display racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination towards any other member or person.
  • When on patrol and reacting to a situation, a SBNW member may only use ‘minimum force’, as described in the Criminal Procedure Act No. 51 of 1977, in order to secure the arrest of the perpetrator of an offence. No intimidation in whatever form may be used in the communities where patrols will be taking place.
  • No member shall carry any weapon perceived to be dangerous that could inflict serious bodily harm or damage to property. This includes dangerous weapons as defined by law when patrolling. Only weapons for the sole purpose of self-defence as approved by the Provincial Commissioner, SAPS – Western Cape may be used.
  • All members with firearms taken on any patrol shall declare these to the local SAPS Crime Prevention Officer before going on patrol.
  • No person under the age of 18 years may participate in any patrol.
  • Members of the SBNW may not divulge any confidential or privileged information that they have acquired as a result of their membership of the SBNW.
  • Any member of the SBNW found to be making public statements and or addressing the media as a spokesperson for the SBNW without the explicit authority from the Committee of the SBNW duly mandating that member to act for and on behalf of the SBNW, shall be guilty of a serious offence, resulting in the suspension / expulsion of the member as decided by the Committee.
  • No member of the SBNW may accept any payment, commission or gratuity in connection with his/her membership of the SBNW, except after being duly authorized to do so by the Committee of the SBNW.
  • No member of the SBNW may exploit his/her membership for personal advantage or benefit.
  • Members of the SBNW must at all times act in a manner that will uphold and promote the aims and objectives of the SBNW as highlighted in the SBNW Constitution and this Code of Conduct.